Indonesian Journal of Police Studies <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesian Journal of Police Studies <em>(Indonesian J. Police Stud.)</em> (ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-452X</a> ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4538</a>) is <strong>a double blind peer-reviewed journal</strong> published by the Indonesian Police Academy. This journal contains research and review articles related to the study of police science. This journal is published in Indonesian and English, and is published monthly. This journal is intended to be a forum for researchers, academics, practitioners, and the general public in developing police science studies and their application in the community. This journal is also expected to become an international journal and as a reference for police studies in national and international levels.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesian Journal of Police Studies (ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-452X</a> ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4538</a>) adalah jurnal <strong><em>double blind peer-reviewed</em></strong> yang diterbitkan oleh Akademi Kepolisian Indonesia. Jurnal ini berisi artikel penelitian dan ulasan yang berkaitan dengan studi ilmu kepolisian. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, dan diterbitkan setiap bulan. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan sebagai forum bagi para peneliti, akademisi, praktisi, dan masyarakat umum dalam mengembangkan studi ilmu kepolisian dan penerapannya di masyarakat. Jurnal ini juga diharapkan menjadi jurnal internasional dan sebagai referensi untuk studi kepolisian di tingkat nasional dan internasional.</p> en-US (Ridwan Arifin) (Ronny Prasetyo) Thu, 09 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 The Role of the Satsabhara Four-Wheeled Dialogical Patrol in Preventing the Crime of Motor Vehicle Theft in the Sumedang Police Jurisdiction <p>The rampant auto theft phenomena is causing disruption of kamtibmas. Police as a public servant should seeks to maintain the kamtibmas situation through dialogical four-wheeled vehicle patrol in preventing auto theft. Therefore, a study was conducted aimed to describe the auto theft phenomena and Satsabhara role under the dialogical four-wheeled patrol and indentify factors influencing the patrol. Theories used are Role, Routine-Activity, Communication, Crime Prevention, Management and Law System Theories. Subsequently, concepts used are dialogical patrol, four-wheeled patrol, auto theft, kamtibmas, Satsabhara, and Perkabaharkam No. 1 Year 2017. This research is conducted using qualitative approach and field research methods. Data is collected through interviewing, observing, and studying documents, and validated using triangulation of data. The results of the study found that cases of auto theft were the most common cases in Polres Sumedang. The role of dialogical four-wheeled patrol by Satsabhara in preventing auto theft was not optimal because shortages remain and there were still deficiencies in terms of Satsabhara officers' knowledge, and the ability to communicate. The inhibiting factors are organizational structure, human resources, budget, organizational policy factors, and Perkabaharkam No. 1 Year 2017, while supporting factors are facilities and infrastructures, other units of function support, cooperation with other agencies and community factors. Results of the study suggest evaluation on job description and bureaucracy, creation of a WhatsApp group, revision of Polres’ SOP on dialogical patrol, and maintain the auto theft-related materials carried by patrol officers and aiming propriate target are necessary to be done.</p> Rafly Audifa Rachman Copyright (c) 2023 Rafly Audifa Rachman Thu, 09 Mar 2023 13:57:00 +0700 Implementation of Intelligent Traffic Analytic in Digital Traffic Contingency Data Mapping <p>Traffic problems become one of the big problem in Bogor. Among them are traffic accidents whose impact the most to the traffic. This is certainly the duty and responsibility of the National Police to overcome these problems. In seeking solutions to these problems the Indonesian National Police can utilize technological developments to improve the quality of traffic management. This also encourages researchers to find solutions to problems by examining the implementation of a new technology before it is implemented, that is INTAN. By describing the mechanism and how the implementation of INTAN, is expected to find out the cause of the problem. This research will use 1 theory and 6 concepts, namely the theory of planned behavior, the INTAN concept, the concept of the basic components of IT for Road Safety, the concept of organizational climate, the concept of user participation, the concept of digital mapping and the concept of traffic contingency data. Data collection is done through observation, interviews with sources and studies of documents that support research that is complemented by efforts to validate data by means of triangulation. Based on this paper, there are also a number of suggestions from researchers including that the National Police be able to coordinate optimally with other agencies, improve SOP’s as well as leadership appeals to members to support new breakthroughs related to the use of technology in dealing with traffic problems and awareness of the importance of the technology implementation process.</p> Tezar Rakhman Copyright (c) 2023 Tezar Rakhman Thu, 09 Mar 2023 13:59:23 +0700 Optimization of Dikmas Lantas by the Dikyasa Traffic Unit in Reducing High School Student Traffic Violations in the Garut Police Jurisdiction <p>This research is motivated by the level of student awareness about traffic in Garut Regency are still very low where many are affected by traffic raids. Activities that need to be done to minimize them include performing Traffic Community Education (Dikmas Lantas). Therefore study was conducted aimed at describe implementation of the Dikmas Lantas, influencing factors and solutions to optimize Dikmas Lantas activities in reducing violations of high school student traffic in Polres Garut. Theories and concepts used by writer are communication theory and management theory, and concepts are optimization, Concept of Community Education in the Field of Traffic,&nbsp; Concept of Traffic Awareness, Concept of Traffic Violations. This study use descriptive qualitative analysis approach, in order to obtain an overview of the problems that occur, providing descriptive data in form of both verbal and written words obtained from information sources, so that the problem can be explored in depth. The results from this research obtained several conclusions about implementation of Dikmas Lantas in reducing traffict violations of high school student in Polres Garut by conducting direct socialization to high school students. Researcher concludes that influencing factors are internal factors which include personnel factors that should be equipped with vocational education, firmness of officers, police organizations, and facilities infrastructure. While external factors that weaken the role of the Traffic Unit are regional customs and community factors that have developed issue that ticketing sanctions can be resolved by peaceful means. Solution to optimize Dikmas Lantas activities by planning and coordinating between agencies.</p> Janiar Arsyaddillah Lintang Copyright (c) 2023 Janiar Arsyaddillah Lintang Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:02:07 +0700 The Implementation of Traffic Management Center (TMC) to Decrease Traffic Congestion in Polres Kuningan Jurisdiction Area <p>The presence of TMC in Kuningan City Police Department is a policy made by the chief of Police Department to overcome various traffic problems. However, the existence of this policy is still unable to realize traffic safety and order in Kuningan City, especially in decreasing the traffic congestion during Eid celebrations. The increase of traffic congestion during Eid and holidays is a proof that traffic safety and order is not yet achieved in Kuningan City. These traffic congestion are caused by the increase of vehicle volume in Kuningan City. On the spots where the vehicle volume increased, the CCTV camera that supposed to connect to TMC was not connected. This research uses management, instruments, and elements of management theories, implementation theory, NTMC concept and traffic congestion concept. This research uses qualitative approach by adopting field research methods. The methods of data collection used were through interview, observation and document analysis. Qualitative data analysis in this research was done through data codification, presentation and conclusion. There are several findings in this resarch. First, TMC is not functional during ordinary days. Second, constraint on TMC is in the quantity of CCTV camera they possess. Third, TMC operators only rely on social media in their efforts to decrease traffic congestion. Fourth, the lack of monetary allocation in TMC can hinder the maintenance of inventory equipment. This research concludes that the main obstacle of Kuningan City Police Department’s TMC lies in the unavailablity of specific monetary allocation. The lack of this specific monetary allocation causes hindrance in the maintenance of TMC’s main equipment. The results of this research suggest that the chief of Kuningan City Police Department should single out a specific monetary allocation for their TMC to maintain the performance of TMC’s main equipment and to develop a better cooperation between the Traffic Unit of Kuningan City Police Department and the Department of Transportations and the Department of Communications and Informatics.</p> Irfan Muzaffar Sondani Copyright (c) 2023 Irfan Muzaffar Sondani Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:05:50 +0700 Juridical Analysis Related to Police Duties in the Context of Investigating Child Suspects Completed Through Non Litigation (Diversion) Legal Efforts <p>This study aims to determine the rules and the implementation of the Police Duty in the Context of Investigating a Child Suspect completed through Non-Litigation (Diversion) Legal Efforts. To examine the problem, the research method used is normative legal research methods with the statute approach, and conceptual approach. The results of the research, in police investigations related to child crimes that settle criminal cases outside the court or non-litigation (diversion) must see the case entered restorative justice, and the police not only investigate that the child is a suspect but must also protect all rights owned by the child from violence or discrimination physically or mentally where the rules have been regulated in Article 1 number 2 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Protection Children so that the investigation carried out by the Police of children affected by a criminal case becomes a law that fights for justice and expediency.</p> Auliya Rochman Copyright (c) 2023 Auliya Rochman Thu, 09 Mar 2023 13:55:27 +0700